Yoko Kentilitisca


BA in Biology, 2021
BS in Population Health, 2021
Program Assistant, UNM WRC

30+ STEM-based bachelor degree options at UNM

As a biology major, Yoko Kentilitisca knew access to support for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) majors could make or break a student’s success in a demanding field.

Working with UNM’s Women’s Resource Center (WRC), Yoko began reaching out to students within STEM degree programs. By providing avenues to resource organizations such as the Society of Women Engineers, underrepresented students are able to network with others in their field and forge stronger pathways to occupations that have historically lacked gender diversity.

Through virtual meetings, Yoko also facilitates support groups for all students working toward STEM degrees. In an era of online learning, it’s easy to feel depleted and disconnected from classmates. In remote workshops, she encourages self-care, interpersonal connections and mental well-being. Yoko works to ensure all students at colleges and universities in New Mexico have access to resources needed to be successful in the essential fields of STEM.

See the incredible impact made by women in STEM at UNM.