Reina Davis
Professional Intern Outreach & Community Relations, Women's Resource Center
950+ Hours of free counseling to UNM students in 2019.
Counseling provided by the UNM WRC Counseling Internship Program
As a freshman, Reina Davis first encountered UNM’s Women’s Resource Center (WRC) the way most students do—through a welcome back event on campus.
She was instantly captivated and inspired by the WRC, which complemented her major in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies. She flourished at the center as a student employee, helping to provide peer education and mentoring while empowering women through community engagement.
Reina later joined the WRC team as a staff member, focusing on community support. Specifically, she mentors New Mexican high school students looking to enter health care professions. She educates interns from schools like the Native American Community Academy, South Valley Academy and Health Leadership High School—who help her teach other students about public health resources for emotional and physical well-being, self-care, body positivity and harm reduction.
This is how, in addition to providing access to essential resources for UNM students and community members, Reina continues to build bridges through the WRC for future Lobos—from high school to college, career and beyond.
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